Happy Holidays – Still Coding, Still Sweating

Day before Christmas and I’m still coding!

The Four Startups in Four Weeks challenge has been pretty brutal. Doing this during December was definitely not the wisest move, but I’m still optimistic about getting some more releases by New Year’s Eve.

Do Less

The main challenge for me has been as expected, learning when to stop.

I’ve been learning Ruby on Rails 3 thanks to my friend Doug, some Railscasts, and of course a book. My initial intention was to do something very simple, and that of course quickly escalated.

Despite having almost no basic programming skills (haven’t coded since I was 18) I have plans for an advanced invitation system, mailing lists, etc. These need to be curtailed! Only the basic functions for initial launch, otherwise I’ll never meet my deadline by the end of the month.

Quick Update

So far, I’ve released:

And I have planned:

Not much to add this week, except…


Discussion (4 comments)

  1. Bert Baeck says:

    Why 4 start-ups in one time Tristan? Isn’t “focus” the most important thing in starting up a business? Is it possible in your opinion? What’s the strategy behind?

    Greets, Bert

    1. Tristan says:

      The idea is to force myself to develop a minimally viable product since I have a tendency to create much more than is ultimately necessary. So this is an exercise, not a business although perhaps I may focus on one of the products in the coming months.

  2. Greg says:

    Happy holidays, and take some time off. No one will blame you if it becomes launching two things in four weeks or four things in eight weeks. No need to adhere to the initial idea too closely.

    Talk to you soon,

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